Father John Bible Study

Welcome to Father John's Bible Study, Axe of the Apostles

Please see below the links for each session video.

Axe of the Apostles 1: Ascension's Aftermath Axe of the Apostles 6: First Missionary Journey
Axe of the Apostles 2: Prince of the Apostles Axe of the Apostles 7: Councils and Controversies
Axe of the Apostles 3: First Class Deacons Axe of the Apostles 8: Second Missionary Journey
Axe of the Apostles 4: Waylaid on the Way Axe of the Apostles 9: Third Missionary Journey
Axe of the Apostles 5: Shoes of the Fisherman Axe of the Apostles 10: All Roads Lead to Rome








Welcome to Father John's Bible Study, Mark the Way

Please see below the links for each session video.

Session 1: Intro and Dissecting the Bible Session 6: The Chain Gang
Session 2: History Aimed at a Target Session 7: Mountain Men
Session 3: Israel of God Session 8: Word to the Wise
Session 4: Angelology and Demonology Session 9: End of the Line
Session 5: Enemy of my Enemy Session 10: Close Encounters of the Eternal Kind









Welcome to Father John's Bible Study, Apocalypse Now.

Please see below the links for each session video.

Session 1: Intro and Dissecting the Bible Session 6: Dungeons and Dragons
Session 2: Dear John Letters Session 7: Alas, Babylon
Session 3: Senses and Sensibility Session 8: Game of Two Thrones
Session 4: Are you Saved? Session 9: Temple Run 7.0
Session 5: The Lasting Liturgy Session 10: Marriage Made in Heaven










Welcome to Father John's Bible Study, Hearts on Fire.

Please see below the links for each session video.

Session 1: Dissecting the Bible

Session 2: Whose Bible?

Session 3: Palestinian Power Brokers

Session 4: Mirroring Mary in Sacred Scripture

Session 5: Law and Prophets

Session 6: Telling Time

Session 7: Samaritan Sandwich

Session 8: Better Call Saul

Session 9: Apocalypse Now

Session 10: Big Rock v. Little Rock