Fr. John’s Voting Guide
Discerning how to vote with a Catholic conscience
I am going to do something I have never done before. I am going to deliver a series of homilies for the next 8 Sundays to address important issues before the general presidential election on November 3rd. The fastest way to lose friends and make enemies is to talk politics from the pulpit. I am about to talk about religion and politics in polite company, and you might not feel very polite after you hear what I have to say. Of course, I am not going to talk partisan politics – advocating one party over another – but rather I hope to present the high ideal of politics, once beautifully described as “the art of the possible.” That is, people working together, and even compromising at times, in order to promote the common good, and thereby achieve a higher common happiness. (For the rest of this homily, please view last Sunday’s Mass, September 6, 2020.)